Doula Services

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Do You Need a Doula During Childbirth?

Birthing has come a long way in the last 50 years, with in-hospital birthing suites, families in attendance, and procedures to minimize labor pain. But one thing that has not changed is the need for experienced support in the labor room. Husbands and mothers are all well and good for some things, but medically knowledgeable, objective, and trained doulas just might be the best thing since Lamaze developed prepared childbirth classes.

Doulas, also known as a labor assistant or birth companion, are simply women trained in labor and birth. Their sole function is to assist a women with all stages of birth. She joins a woman early in their labor and assists her with the pain management, including massages, relaxation, visualization, and aromatherapy. A doula provides encouragement and constant support throughout the entire labor and delivery to both the mother and the father, while providing education and expanded explanations about medical interventions, including the risks and benefits that allow them to make informed decisions. Most doulas do follow-up with the new family once they have returned home, offering advice on breastfeeding and care of an infant, as well as checking on the mother's postpartum well being.

There are several benefits to having a doula during your labor and delivery. These women have been shown in published studies to provide:

* 50% decrease in a woman needing a cesarean

* 60% decrease in the use of an epidural

* 30% reduction in the use of any narcotics

* 40% decrease in the use of the drug Pitocin (the synthetic version of the drug oxytocin)

* 40% decrease in the use of forceps during delivery or a vacuum extraction

* 25% decrease in the time of labor

There is also evidence showing:

* Decreased levels of anxiety

* Decreased chances of infection and maternal fever

* An increased chance of spontaneous vaginal birth

* Decreased maternal bleeding following delivery

* Decreased incidence of post-partum depression

* Found to be more effective than Lamaze

* Results in a more positive delivery experience

* Increase in the success of breastfeeding

Why should I consider using a doula during childbirth?

So that there is one objective constant throughout your labor and delivery. Although obstetrical nurses are experienced in dealing with a laboring mother's emotional and physical needs, they can not guarantee the service they provide will last throughout the entire labor, especially in hospital settings where there are breaks, shift changes, heavy paper work, and busy nights. Some OB nurses have to handle up to six mothers in labor at one time. Midwives may be able to offer more support during the labor, but they too have other clinical duties to which they must attend.

The father or partner may be better able to provide the continuous support that the mother needs, but they have little actual experience in dealing with the forces of labor. Even fathers who have had intensive preparation are often surprised when it comes to the actual labor and the amount of work that is involved. Even more important, many fathers experience the birth as an emotional journey of their own and find it hard to be objective when it comes to situations during the birth.

Can I afford to use a doula during childbirth?

The cost of using a doula can range anywhere depending on your location. However, the price should not be an obstacle. According to Doulas of North America, several insurance companies today are already offering reimbursement for doula services. If your insurance company does not cover this service, don't throw the towel in yet. Make sure that you pursue the matter and bring all of the benefits of using a doula to their attention. Many of these benefits can save the insurance company a significant amount of money.

Please check for Certified Doula, Childbirth Educator, & Lactation Counselor services from

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